Smart Alert™

Unlimited IT Support Service for a Fixed Fee!

Smart Alert™ For Workstations

Smart Alert™ For Workstations
•Hardware & Software Audit
•Remote Access Software
•Enterprise Antivirus
•OS Patching Monitoring
•Unlimited Help Desk Phone, Email, Web
•MS Service Pack Installation
•Performance Audit
•And Much More…
From $50 / PC / month


Smart Alert™ For Servers

Smart Alert™ For Servers
•Hardware & Software Audit
•Remote Access Software
•Enterprise Antivirus
•Server Policy Trouble Shooting
•Unlimited Help Desk Phone, Email, Web
•Server Health Check
•And Much More…
From $125 / server / month


Smart Alert™ For Networks

Smart Alert™ for Networks
•Network Monitoring
•Internet ISP Management
•Review Security Network Logs
•Firmware updates, patching
•Includes 1 Router / Firewall
•Weekly and Monthly Reports
**Call for VPNs, MPLS, and other mission critical designs.**
From $125 / network / month


Brea's #1 Managed IT Services & Support

Workstations, Networks, Servers, Cyber Security & Business Continuity
Internet for your business

Internet for Your Business

We have 30+ nationwide partnerships with Internet companies, so we are able to give your business faster Internet at the best price.
24-7 Computer Backups

24/7 Computer Backups

We protect against computer crashes, viruses and ransomware with our 24/7 backup disaster and recovery solution systems.
Routers and Firewalls

Routers & Firewalls

We are able to protect your company’s data from internal and external intruders with our “Real-Time” firewall protection.
Network and servers

Network & Servers

We offer mission critical servers for your business, including Microsoft Windows Server, Exchange, Quick Books, SQL, and Web Servers.

All American Testimonial

24/7 Expert Support

Looking for a premium quality MSP Services for your company? You are at the right place! Brea Networks offers safe and non-evasive monitoring and patching services for our customers.

Unlimited IT Support $50/month!